We are back up with a new design!

Club Penguin Typers is the #1 Club Penguin Cheats site to get all your Club Penguin Guide, Cheats, Hints, Secrets, and much much more!

Club Penguin Telescope Updated August 2012

If, you go to the Lighthouse Beacon and click on the telescope you will see that it has been updated, meaning that Rockhopper is coming to the island. Check it out:

I see plants. Do you think Rockhopper is bringing a special surprise for us? Let us know in a comment.

-Michael 2556 Club Penguin Typers Author

Club Penguin Field Ops #94 Cheats

Club Penguin has released a new Field Op today. This time its Field Op #94. To start, with your mission head on over to the EPF Headquarters and you will receive a message from Gary.

Click on "Accept Field Op". After, you have accepted the Field Op, waddle on over to the Lighthouse Beacon, your Spy Phone, will begin blinking green meaning that you have found the location.

Click on your Spy Phone, and you will get the instructions on how to complete the Field Op, check it out:

Click on "Engage", and complete the Field Op. Congratulations! You now have completed the Field Op. Was this Field Op, easy or hard for you and if you need anymore help with this Field Op, leave a comment and I would be more than happy to help you.

-Michael 2556 Club Penguin Typers Author

Club Penguin Banana Peel Pin Cheat

Club Penguin has released a new pin today. It is the "Banana Peel" pin. It is at the Coffee Shop. Check it out:

 Click "Yes", to accept the pin. Congratulations! You now have the Banana Peel pin. Do you like this pin?  Let us know in a comment below.

-Michael 2556 Club Penguin Typers Author

Club Penguin Featured Igloo: Fofoguim

While, I was on Club Penguin's Community Page I saw that the Featured Igloo page has been updated. This igloo belongs to "Fofoguim", which has a great pirate ship igloo theme. Check it out:

Do you like this igloo? I sure do. Let us know in a comment.

-Michael 2556 Club Penguin Typers Author

Club Penguin Blog: VIDEO: UK Exclusive Items!

Daffodaily5, has made her first post on the Official Club Penguin Community Blog. She says: "Hiya! Wow, it's exciting to appear on the What's New blog! Thanks to Billybob for such a warm welcome, and to all of you guys for your kind comments. So, this is my first post and I've got some amazing news to share with you... but before we get to that, I'd like to tell you a little about myself. My name is Daffodaily5, but some people just call me Daffo (it's quicker, I guess) and I'm from Club Penguin here in the UK (hence the raincoat). Some of you guys have asked about my favourite things to do on Club Penguin; at the moment, decorating. I don't change my outfit much, but I'm always changing my igloo. At the moment it's a crazy disco jungle (I'm a bit of an outdoors-y type)". She also provided us with a picture of her igloo, check it out:

She also said: "Anyway, enough about me, let's get to my exciting news from the UK! With the Adventure Party coming August 23, we wanted to make some cool, fruity costumes and igloo items for you to collect (one of my favourites is the kiwi armchair)! Watch out for special packs of innocent smoothies and fruit tubes for kids in shops across the UK - if you manage to collect all the items you'll get a fantastic pineapple igloo. Check out the video below for more info". Here is the link to watch the video:


She asks us "We can't wait to hear what you guys think about the new items so please post your comments below!"

-Michael 2556 Club Penguin Typers Author 

Club Penguin Typers 3 Month Membership Giveaway!

NOTE: contest for the virtual item has been updated! Please read the post and instructions on how to win the virtual item again!
Also, the winner of the raffle will have the code sent by e-mail. If its not claimed within 24 hours, another person will be chosen.

Today I got the chance to buy 1 Club Penguin three Month Membership at Gamestop with an Exclusive item! As you know, I asked you all on twitter which membership and item to give out. The winner is the boat item! The codes will be released tomorrow, here on this post! Check out the membership we are giving out below!
The MEMBERSHIP codewill be released tomorrow at 1:00 PM Penguin Standard Time! Below, you will see the "XX" digits. Thats where the code will be writen tomorrow.
Membership Code: 4163069090463316!
However, the Virtual, Exclusive item will be released on August 5, at 2:00 PM Penguin Standard Time. To win this code, comment your penguin name to be in the raffle! One lucky penguin will be picked by me. Yes, this will be recorder just to show I didn't cheat. So please, COMMENT your penguin's NAME to enter the RAFFLE! Video- First Place (Winner of the Exclusive Item Code)- Crazytiger54
Second Place (Wins 1 custom hoodie penguin if they want)- Calicho1
Third Place(Wins 1  custom hoodie penguin if they want)- Tobystart

If you won, please contact me as soon as possible via E-mail (9johncena@chtz.info), twitter (@9John_CenaCp) Or by commenting below your e-mail! If you do not contact me within 24 hours another person will be picked!

Below is the Club Penguin Standard clock so you guys can keep track of the time.
I wish you the best of luck on winning the membership and the item! Also, please be nice and if you win the Membership, let others try to win the virtual item so it could be fair!Thanks, and good luck! Remember to comment your name below to enter the raffle!
-9John Cena,
Club Penguin Typers Owner

Club Penguin EPF Message From Rookie - August 2nd

Rookie has sent all of us EPF Agents a message today. I underlined the EPF message. Check it out:

Rookie says:

"Great job everyone! Here’s hoping we don’t run into any more dragons, giant robots, or fan mobs for a while. I’m pooped!"